This research work examines the effects of drama and theatre practice
for children’s development, using the study of University Demonstration
Secondary school programme, as a case study.
Chapter one largely introduces the Genesis of children’s theatre,
definition of terms, and the stages of drama and education.
Chapter two will examine effects of drama and theatre practice or
activities for children’s development.
Chapter three focuses on the historical survey of U.D.S.S the philosophy
of drama and theatre in U.D.S.S and also basic facilities available for the
practice of drama.
Chapter four deals with the tools of drama and theatre also the problems
of drama and theatre in U.D.S.S
Chapter five looks at the way forward, conclusion and bibliography.
My major reason and intension of writing this project, is to draw the
attention of our leaders today to know the effectives and importance of drama
and theatre activities in the lives of our young ones and its contributions to
the growth and development in society.
Also to know the usefulness of theatre for
young people in child’s development. Using the University Demonstration
Secondary School as a case study.
I wish to inspire the use of this method and system of child development
and education in other schools.
This project will go a long way to inspire the spirit of professionalism
and the relationship between teachers and student in child oriented activities.
This work will be a contribution to the purpose of Drama and theatre practice
as a tool from children development.
For meaning development to take place in any given society the education
of the citizenry is considered to be of immense significance. This is
particularly important with regards to the youth who as usually considered the
leaders of tomorrow. It is against this back of drop that this study sets out
to examine the effects of drama and theatre practice for children’s development
using university Demonstration secondary school as a case study.
This study among other consideration, shall examine how and why drama
and theatre are used for child’s upbringing and in the Nigeria secondary school
system with a viewed to determining the benefits derived from such an
This study concern essentially with the benefit that can be derived from
the practice of drama and theatre in the secondary school system.
In this regards, this research shall
focus on the potency and effectiveness of using drama and theatre practice in
bringing up children to be responsible members of the society.
Whereas, this work shall attempt a general over view of drama and
theatre in the Nigeria school system, University Demonstration Secondary School
University of Port-Harcourt shall constituted our point of particular
The materials used for this project work haven been gathered through
collection of ideas, filed work, library method of research and through the use
of internet.
With regards to field work, this study has an oral interview with
persons closely associated with drama and theatre programme in University
Demonstration Secondary School (U.D.S.S) University of Port-Harcourt; also from
my own pasted experience during my teaching practice with some student in the
school. Apart from interviewing student and teachers alike this researcher has
also depended on empirical research methodology through direct personal
observation of the student in their participation in theatrical activities.
Child – drama and theatre practices is based on sincerity,
concentration, observation, imagination and absorpted participation of child in
the various activities. The preoccupation of teachers or instructor in child;
this includes not only the physical but this mental and emotions responses. One
of the approaches to grooming the child in child – drama and theatre activities
is through engendering the concept of sincerity and absorption in the
activities carried out.
If these qualities mentioned above are developed in child – drama activities
he or she is more likely to grow to become a personality who takes care of
himself and job seriously. It may also lead to habits of honesty and frankness
and job seriously. It may also lead to habits of honesty and frankness wrapped
up in what is being done or what one is doing to exclusion of all other thought
including the awareness of or desire of an audience.
Unlike creative drama for children, this kind of theatre for children
requires the audience. Again this kind of creative dramatic children could be
asked to enact a story that they just been told whereas in children theatre
there has to be a script learnt through rehearsal co-ordinated by a leader.
Also children theatre is defined as an improvisational drama in which children
are guided to imagine, enact reflect upon human experience. They are guided to
explore express and communicate ideas concert and feeling through dramatic
Drama according to Oxford dictionary is a play for stage or broadcasting
or an art of writing, acting or presenting plays.
Term ‘’Drama’’ is derived from the Greek word ‘’Dremenon’’ which means
‘’To Act’’ or To Do’’. It can apply to any mime action but it commonly refers
to stage presentation.
Indeed drama is used as a medium for effective education and the
development of creativity. Drama is unique tool to explore and express human
feeling, and drama is also defined as essential forms of behaviour in all
cultures, it is a fundamental human activity. Drama is a discrete skill in
Definition of Drama from Aristotelian
Aristotelian declared drama as
Any imitation of an action of high
magnitude complete and of some amplitude in language as well as enhanced by
district and varying beauty acted not narrated which invokes emotional pity and
tears with intent to effect the purgation these emotions.
The word ‘’Theatre’’ from Oxford dictionary is a building or outdoor
area for dramatic performance, or writing and production of plays.
The term theatre is a word derived from Greek word ‘’theatron’’ meaning
a place of seeing.
The word theatre initially means or describes as an architectural
structure selected or built to house dramatic offering, though it could also
accommodate any type of presentation.
Theatre also suggest a certain type of social and aesthetic experience
recognizable more by it specific purpose. It differs from education in the
sense that it does not by itself suggest, rather is a method, a way of doing
something. Therefore theatre and education simply mean or refers to an attempt
to apply to techniques and convention which characterized theatre to pursuit of
education benefits or objectives.
Development is the study of growth and change of behaviour across the
life span.
Development of many behaviour proceeds according to orderly sequences
usually begins with simple behaviours and progress to more complex behaviours.
One of the sequences involves the unfolding of moter development and
locomotion in infants.
Child development as an integrated process. The early childhood teacher
is aware that a young child’s development is a complex continuous and uneven
process involving all facets of the child’s experience, the teachers
understanding of how children learn include a recognition that all development
is emerging and related to the situational factors of heredity, background,
experience, and that is less than optional conditions in one area of
development to another (e.g. recognizing the effects of self-esteem on social
and incoherent development). The teacher know how to create a learning
environment based on child choice in which activities that takes advantage of
children strength and interest are used to enhance development.
The man who started drama in education is called (Jeorge Baker). He
teaches English and a lecturer in Harvard University. He left English class and
stated with playwriting work, and he called it (47 workshop), it was a
practical course and it has the technique of playwriting. The purpose of this
practical workshop was to encourage the student to write plays and use them for
plays production, from this playwriting exercise, Baker added criticism
(playwriting production and critism).
When play has been produced, he added what is called literally
Through this experiment, they incorporated what they have done to
curriculum of the school. This is how drama in education was formed by George
Baker, in America.
This course became very popular and spread to many America Universities
and many America Universities adopted drama in education to teach.
From America, this idea in drama in education spread to other countries
in the world, like English and other parts of Europe and as a result of these,
many Europeans Universities adopted drama in education.
One of these universities that started drama in English is called
Bristol. The idea of drama spread to oxford University in England, and one of
those who embraced drama in Nigeria is a man called Geoffrey Asworthy in
(Ibadan), Groffrey is the first man to establish drama in Ibadan and they
started it with diploma in Ibadan; it was a course for 2 years and his purpose
of introducing this system of drama in education is to raise fund for the less
privileged and the handicap.
There are two basic modes of education – formal and informal education,
and drama has a part to play in both.
Informal education takes place accidentally before school begins,
outside the influence of school, and when schooling has been completed.
Perharps its most important element for a very young child is play: the mother
plays with the child and the child plays alone. It is within play that the
roots of drama lie. As psychologists have pointed out, play is a vital part of
the learning process. Play plunges the child into the exploration of things
through touching, testing smelling, looking, listening and manipulating.
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